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With its superior technology and unparalleled feature set, Junglebyte Teach is the clear leader in computer classroom management.

From screen broadcasting, to student monitoring, class interaction to collaboration, Junglebyte Teach empowers the teachers and instructors with all the tools for efficient and effective computer classroom teaching.

Gain Classroom Control
One problem that tutors often face while teaching in computer rooms is that students get frequently distracted by the Internet, computer games and other entertainment software. Junglebyte Teach empowers you with the ability to remotely monitor and control each and every student’s computer; you gain better control of your classroom. You can keep tab on students' activity without ever leaving your desk, making sure they are focused and on task.
Excellent Teaching Aid
With high quality screen broadcasting, every student gets an unobstructed front-row view. You can teach and demonstrate in convenience without the need for whiteboards and overhead projectors. Students are able to raise questions quietly to which you can answer using the one-to-one chat feature. Other students are able to carry on with their work without being interrupted.
More Personal Lessons
Even while sitting at a computer, students are still able to see you in real-time through webcams. Using the webcam, you can broadcast your image to all students’ computer screens. With an attached microphone, they are able to not only see, but also hear you at the same time.
Engage Your Students
Worried that your students may be bored? With the use of video, audio and collaboration forums, lessons are conducted in a more fun and interactive manner. Achieve maximum impact!
Reduce Your Workload
With the high scalability of the software, multiple classrooms can be combined and taught by one teacher.
Hand Out Assignments Conveniently
Using the built-in file distribution and collection feature, you save much time in handing out and collecting back assignments. These everyday tasks can be accomplished with just a few mouse clicks.
Save Time
Start up and shut down computers in the classroom all at one go! By enabling these tasks to be performed centrally from the teacher's computer, Junglebyte Teach saves precious time of teachers or lab assistants for increased productivity.

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